Saturday, 6 April 2013

More readers!

I have noticed a strange phenomenon... Since Wednesday afternoon the number of people looking at my blog has increased noticeably. A friend pointed out that this could be because of the North Somerset Arts Week brochures starting to be distributed but I didn't believe her at first. On day 2 though, I had to start believing as there wasn't any other reason why more people would be coming to have a peek. If you are looking at this as a result of getting an Arts Week brochure, I'd like to thank you very much for your interest; I hope you find something that pleases you (most of the things I'll be exhibiting are on the earlier pages so have a look around), and if so, do please keep coming back to see more. I am honoured. It would be lovely to meet you in person during Arts Week.

I have picked up in total 2400 brochures (out of 40,000 printed in total) and passed most on to fellow artists to distribute, and between us all they should soon be going viral all over the region in libraries, shops, cafes, schools, surgeries, galleries and various other locations. They look beautiful and it is good to be so involved. I have a few more plans for things to make in preparation, and am in the process of getting my original meadowy picture back home from Norfolk to display at the exhibition. It seemed the right thing to do as it's the picture featured in the brochure.

It's my birthday today and plans were slightly scuppered by a boy waking up with chicken pox this time. It's lucky I have a tiny bit of a hangover and don't feel like doing anything very much. I did have a little time and energy to do some sewing this morning:-

I am feeling good about the definition of the trees now I've stitched round them, and the way the felting process has made them look gnarled and wintry. I just have to work out whether the ground is finished and whether I need to put something else in the background. I think I need a second opinion...

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